What Ghana taught me

This May, I was lucky enough to travel to Ghana –  something I have wanted to do for a long time. Inspiring conversations over the years with friends who had returned, like John from Ivo’s and with designers like Chrissa Amuah & fellow printer Monique had always made it my number one travel destination but […]

Beautiful Woad

I’ve tried making woad a few times – always from my allotment plants which are gradually colonising more and more of my allotment…. These beautiful stately plants with their long, grey green leaves and clouds of yellow flowers have always been slightly illusive to me – promising colour but always slightly slipping away when I […]

New design – Sussex Oak

During lockdown our church in Steyning was closed for the first time in 1,000 years – Covid had succeeded where the plague and world wars had failed. Sometimes, I would imagine being inside this very special place which I love very much and I would think about the beautiful medieval carvings of fruits, leaves, animals, […]